Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly,
And you will keep singing as the days go by.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Child's Energy & 7 Things.

Where on earth does my daughter get all of her energy? She has decided that she does NOT need naps. Well, since yesterday. She napped a total of 1 hour yesterday and is headed in the same direction today. She only napped 30 minutes this morning. Mean mommy left her in her crib for another 30 min., b/c I was determined to get our mud room cleaned out and it is not a job that could be done being followed by a 1 year old. She did not mind. She talked and sang to herself.
Well, wouldn't you imagine the girl would be a bit sleepy? No! Right now she is running around the living room, screaming at the top of her lungs (Happy screams), clapping her hands, and laughing hysterically at herself. Every so often running over to Momma and grabbing both my cheeks and giving me a big kiss. If I had that kind of energy? I can't even imagine the things I would have done!
Alright, so my sister tagged me to tell 7 things about myself... So, here we go.

1. I love to stay up late and be extremely lazy in the morning. Did not work so well when I was teaching, but is defintely a luxury of being a stay at home Mom.

2. Along with number one. I can go back to sleep or take a nap at most any time. This is why it never bothered me to get up at night with Kaylen, and probably why she does not sleep the best now.

3. I hate hot drinks (except hot cocoa if I'm feeling extremely yucky), but I love soda!

4. I am cheap. Not frugal. Cheap.

5. I really enjoy exercise, but for some reason have really struggled getting a good routine since having Kaylen. I do much better with a partner.

6. I am very awkward when meeting new people or talking with people I don't know well. Small talk and I do not get along very well.

7. I really desire to memorize lots of scripture this year. For many reasons, one of which to have the scripture ready when disciplining and training my daughter. (Sadly, I am horrible at memorizing!)

p.s. - I'm 12 weeks today! Bye bye 1st trimester; hello, 2nd!


  1. Hey, I found you on your sister's blog. :)
    I like to stay up late and be lazy in the morning, too. :)
    Also, I feel awkward with small talk...I feel like I have to make the other person feel comfortable in case they are feeling awkward, too, and then it makes it more awkward! Ha. :)
    Congratulations on being pregnant!

  2. Cass, we couldn't be more different in some ways - like #s1-4! HA! But that is why I love you so! Give your crazy girl a hug and kiss for me and keep blogging. It makes you seem less far away! Love you, Sis!

  3. I am like you! I feel like I am very odd when meeting new people. The other day my boss introduced me to the head of the NY State YMCA! I didn't know what to say!!

  4. Heather and Bethany - So nice to hear I'm not the only one. Except why does it seem everytime you're in a room with a bunch of people you are the only awkward one?! (At least to me...)
